The heating power design of the injection molding machine barrel?

Update: 2021/02/18

The heating of the injection molding machine barrel mai […]

The heating of the injection molding machine barrel mainly has two functions: melting cold material and auxiliary plasticizing. The heating power is an important technical parameter of the injection molding machine, which is directly related to the plasticizing quality, plasticizing capacity and energy consumption. However, the design of the heating power of the barrel of the injection molding machine has not attracted enough attention from the designers, and the traditional design methods and design ideas are also defective. The heating power design principle of the injection molding machine barrel recommended in the reference materials is generally: first determine the outer diameter of the barrel according to the mechanical strength, and then configure the heating power according to the principle of 3.0-3.5W/cm2 according to its surface area, or according to the weight of the barrel screw Thermal performance to configure heating power. In order to reduce costs, the outer diameter of the barrel is often minimized in the design, which can reduce the heating power of the configuration. When users actually use plastics with high plasticization enthalpy, they find that the heating power for plasticization is not enough, which affects the quality of plasticization and reduces production efficiency. On the basis of comparing the heating power of some injection molding machine barrels at home and abroad, the author has studied its design method, and now proposes a new design of the heating power concept of the injection molding machine barrel.

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