The geometry and head resistance characteristics of the bi-alloy screw die and other extruder related information

Update: 2021/09/26

1. High-resistance heads are generally equipped with sc […]

1. High-resistance heads are generally equipped with screws with a shallower groove depth in the homogenization section;
2. The geometry of the die and the resistance characteristics of the machine head;
3. The purpose of the extruder;
Before designing, it should be considered whether it is used for processing products, or for other purposes such as mixing, granulating or feeding. Obviously, the design of single screw extruders for different purposes should be very different.
4. The characteristics of the screw material and its geometric shape, size and temperature condition when it is added;
5. The low-resistance handpiece needs to be matched with the screw with a deep groove in the homogenization section;
6. The structure of the barrel and the heating and cooling conditions;
7. Rotation speed of double alloy screw;
Since the melting rate of the material largely depends on the shear rate, and the shear rate is related to the number of revolutions of the single-screw extruder, this factor must be considered when designing the single-screw extruder.
8. For the exhaust extruder, the matching of the resistance of the head and the performance of the screw is more important. If it is not done well, the extruder will not even work.
9. The structure of the material and the heating and cooling conditions
According to the solid conveying theory, the taper and longitudinal grooves are machined on the inner wall of the feeding section and are cooled strongly. Can greatly improve the solid conveying efficiency. If this kind of structure is adopted, corresponding measures must be taken in the melting section and homogenization section when designing the single-screw extruder to match the melting rate and homogenization capacity with the conveying capacity of the feeding section.

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